Junior Accounting
done differently!

Workbooks & teacher guides!


What makes Accounting Quest Books different?

  • Cash and Credit combined from the beginning, encouraging analytical thinking. It is also a more effective and quicker way to get through the work, which is extremely beneficial for those who need to cover Accounting in only one year.

  • The Grade 8 books covers terminology and concepts, source documents, journals (CRJ, CPJ, PCJ, CJ CAJ, DJ, DAJ) as well as the accounting equation.

  • The Grade 9 books starts with the magic formula of want/have, and then revises the accounting equation. It covers the general ledger, Trial Balanace, Debtors' and Creditors' Ledgers and financial statements.

  • Together, the Grade 8 and 9 books cover all Bookkeeping in an interesting way that promotes analytical thinking!

  • The books Predominantly focuses on trading enterprises with a few service business exercises, utilizing pictures, particularly for terminology and concepts, which are consistently repeated to enhance recognition and the book's relatability.

  • There is a bookkeeping certificate at the back of the grade 9 book and the combined book for them to fill in with their own name and the mark they achieved at the end of the year.

Available in Afrikaans from 2026!