
About the author

After growing up in Pretoria, Susan headed off to Edgewood Teachers' Training College in Pinetown for a change of scenery. At the end of 1998, after not getting a post in Durban, she headed back to Pretoria to accept an Accounting post. Many years later she is still teaching Accounting. Most of these years were spent teaching Grades 9 to 12, but she also taught Grade 8 for a few years. Once the problem solving paper (Paper 2) was introduced at the IEB she developed a passion for it, and was the IEB examiner for Accounting Paper 2 from 2016 until 2023. She loves using her school accounting knowledge, and has put it to work investing in shares and running a property company on the side. She hopes that her books will help pupils to perceive Accounting as an enjoyable, and an extremely helpful subject.